About KCS

Kitojo care Sacco is a Brain child of KITOJO INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT ACTION (KIDA) formed in 2007 to promote development through self-help initiatives. The SACCO provides for savings and loans acquisition among the members. As of 29th July 2023, Kitojo Care Sacco has 3,732 members. At the moment there are a number of loan products such as School fees loans, Asset Acquisition loans, agriculture loans, business loans, Solar loans, motorcycle (Boda boda) loans, Water and Sanitation loans and land title (KYAPA) loans. The SACCO is working on furnishing its offices at KIDA and has an operational field office (branch) at Rwankezi in Kasenda Town Council and is working on opening more brances in various parts of Western Uganda.

  • Mr. Kusememerwa Fortunate
    Genearl Manager

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Our team

Left to right : Christopher - Credit officer, Merekizedeki- Branch Manager, Job- CS, Fortunate - GM, Michael - I.T.O, Brian- CO, Charles- Marketing, Juliet-Marketing, Anna- Operations, Martha- Teller

Organisation structure